Your Sign Team

Meet the Johnsons!
I’m Heather Johnson and this is my family who are all part of the Chatham Yard Cards team. We are independently owned – not a franchise, but a small business located in Historic Downtown Pittsboro.
When I am not carding you will find me at Chatham Business Services LLC, a print/copy shop that I own in downtown Pittsboro and we just celebrated 10 years in business! All of my kids have grown up in the shop and work there too. Speaking of kids, I have 4 and they each call me by their own preference: I am “Mother” to Trevor – 24, “Mom” to Ole – 18, “Ma” to Emily – 16 and “Mommy” to Sophie – 15 (yes she still call me that and I love it!). Trevor has autism and lives his best life in a tiny home right in the heart of our downtown. After years of advocating for his services I now work with other families to help them obtain the help they need. I also volunteer on local and state boards to help to make the system for our special population better.
For FUN I try to get to the water whenever possible – either with Kevin enjoying our boat on Jordan Lake or with my girlfriends on any of the beaches on the North Carolina coast. It’s a great way to recharge and fill my cup. I read my scriptures and enjoy God’s blessings. I have recently discovered how whimsical kites are and so I MUST get to the beach to practice flying them
I am also and AirBnB enthusiast and my most favorite thing in the whole world is to gather my entire busy family and discover a unique destination to explore.

I started Chatham Yard Cards because it’s an extension of what we already do at our print & copy shop – working with our customers to create and customize their events and memories. Thank you to all who trust us with your special occasions! When we get to see your excitement in the planning and the joy when a sign is complete, well that is just the best!